Storyboarding Yucch!

Looking forward to that next storyboarding session?

You say you'd rather take on a werewolf?

What if you could storyboard barefoot... from the privacy of your own study... where you just called the shots and someone else did all the hard work?

Starting to sound a little better?
Hi I'm your virtual storyboard artist. I can design and deliver 20-60 frames in a day (depending on complexity) and be able to modify any frame in a matter of seconds?

And I can access an almost unlimited library of 3rd party content such as creatures, props, sets, wardrobes, hair styles, body and even lighting effects at little or no cost. You want me to go on?

No! Stop right there... what's all this going to cost?

Less than you think... much less. And if you call now to book your first session at our special introductory rate of $99/hr. and you are not completely satisfied with the results, your session is free!* What have you got to lose?
Click here now for a free consultation or to book your first session.
* Does not include cost of 3rd party content, 3 characters maximum.
Offer provided by, Media Solutions, a division of Sea-Cam, Inc. 7554 Black Olive Ave. Tamarac, FL 33321-954-203-2600